By: Tamara – SC

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Getting started is always quite frightening…”What do I say???”, “What do I do???”! I am here to say that it DOES get easier and less frightening as you go. Each time is a new learning experience and you begin to master what to say and then…it simply flows. You have heard this once and I will say it again – you MUST be working with motivated sellers and NEVER try to assume what your seller may want, need or desire. Here is my recent success story to help clarify what I mean!

Recently, I met with a couple who had moved into a new home six months ago while their other one sat empty. Fed up with being unable to sell their home and having to pay 2 mortgages, they called. I had recently sent them a direct mail postcard which led them to seek what other options they may have in selling their home. I met with them, presented them with and ABC offer. A: A cash offer to sell at 80% of value B: Some cash and some owner financing and C: Lease/Option (now, the Sub-to was not for them but it doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to work a deal!) I thought for sure they would choose B or C but they came back and simply wanted to be done and wanted A. This was a $40,000 deal and I even got them to kick in a home warranty! A beautiful home that needs no work (it even included a fridge), lots of equity and a very happy couple – the wife gave me a huge hug and said what a relief this was for her and her husband!

The deals are out there! Don’t be afraid to insult anyone, after all a cash offer to buy at 80% of value IS an option and won’t work for the mass majority but you never know, it may be the answer someone is looking (of course, there must be some equity available to work with as well)! Yellow padding is a great tool also. Most folks are very visual so I try to give them a nice breakdown on paper that they can absorb – you’ll be amazed how they come back and say, “Yes, I looked over those numbers you gave me and it does make a lot of sense, we’d like to work with you…what next?.”

A special thanks to William Tingle – an honest voice of reason, a man who truly enjoys investing and helping others to succeed in their endeavors! Happy Investing!

Tamara – SC